I seriously envy those dancers who have never had and injury ever. They have no freaking clue how incredibly lucky they are.
I rolled my left ankle (read: bad ankle) in a rehearsal tonight. One second I was doing a triple coupe turn and the next I was lying on the floor. Now, it's not really bad or anything. Worst case scenario it's a first degree and I just need to ice it, rest it, and take it easy in my dance classes for the next couple days. The worst part about the whole thing was that it was at the end of the rehearsal and it was supposed to be the last run thru of the dance before we gave up the UC studio. So there were about a million people waiting to use the studio who saw me bite the ground.
Okay, so it wasn't a million. But it was like fifteen or so people, and that's still not the most ideal of situations.
I've said it a hundred times, but I'm just sick of this. Even after my multiple sprains, and a surgery, and months of PT, it's still a liability to me. It pisses me off.
I'll be fine. I am fine. I'm just pissed and in a mood to rant. Lo siento.
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