Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dreams and why they freak me out [BEDA August 23]

I don't dream.

I mean, yes I have hopes and dreams. I want to be a superhero-princess-dinosaur-wizard-ninja. But those aren't the type of dreams I'm talking about.

I rarely dream when I sleep. Maybe it's because of my insomnia, but it's true. When I do dream, I practically never remember them. Statistically, I probably only remember like, 2% of my dreams. So it's really weird that I've been dreaming a lot lately.

I keep having this dream where I'm in a big city -- probably Chicago -- and I'm outside standing on the sidewalk facing this building. Then all of a sudden I'm inside the building. I'm standing in a long hallway with stark white walls, dark green carpeting and several steps about halfway down. I'm looking at a light brown, wooden door at the end of the hallway. I walk down this hallway to stand right in front of the door and after a few seconds it opens. When the door opens I freak out and start running back down the hall and back out on the street. Only once I hit the street, I realize I'm being chased. Now, I know this person who's chasing me, and I also know that they're a friend of mine (Not just one of those non-specific friends that sometimes happen in dreams, but a real person I know. However I don't feel like disclosing the identity of this friend.) but I keep running for some reason. Down the street, through buildings, up escalators, down stairs. But every now and then, it becomes like running through water. I pick up my legs to run and I don't move anywhere, which sucks because I'm still being chased. And in the end, somehow I just wind up back in the hallway with the green carpet and the brown door.

It probably has some deep, philosophical meaning. But I'm not interested. I'm just freaked that I've been dreaming and remembering them.

It's weird.

Sketch I did of the hallway in my dream.

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