Saturday, August 6, 2011

Emotionally scarred by denim [BEDA August 5]

So my Pottermore issues have been resolved thanks to the ever-so-amazing Carie Clark. I basically owe her enough to name a child after her. Seeing as I don't want children, it wouldn't be my own, but I would find a child, and I would name it after her. I digress. Pottermore username: FireboltMist13. (Upon registration you get several choices for usernames, but cannot come up with your own. I liked my initial one better -- PhoenixPixie184 -- but I like this one too!)

So I went shopping today. For clothes. Jeans in particular. Sigh. There is -- and never will be -- anything quite as emotionally painful as shopping for jeans. That's all I think I will say on the subject for the time being, because the bitter memories of this afternoon are threatening to return.

Prayers for my friend/little sister Maddy. She had decently big-deal surgery today, and I heard it went well, but prayers that she recovers quickly. No emergency or anything, this was planned surgery, but still.

I know, I know. Pretty dull post today. But I thinking tomorrow's post will be about goats. If this makes no sense to you now, it will after said post.

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