Thursday, September 29, 2011

Crappy, crappy day.

I have work to do so naturally I'm writing a blog post right now.

Today was just epically frustrating. My knee is kind of screwed up right now, which is a big part of all my frustrations. And I'm having alignment issues, and my modern teacher singled me out after class today to talk about them. Which, I guess, is a good thing. It's common knowledge in dance that teachers will, not really "pick their favorites" but will see potential in certain dancers and then focus more energy on said dancers than others. If that last sentence didn't make sense, please be reassured that I don't give a crap.

So sometimes when you keep getting a lot of corrections in class it's easy to feel like "I can't do ANYTHING right today!" but it's mentally healthier (and pretty much true) to think "At least getting all these corrections means the teacher likes me, and is paying attention to me."

So I'm trying to look at it that way. But it's still pissing me off. I've had some issues with alignment ever since I had to take so much time off of dance for my injuries. But alignment is one of the most difficult things to fix. It's strictly structural and I, quite frankly, FRIGGING HATE IT.

I have to go to class now, but I'm hoping things get better in ballet.

Which is not likely. Because I hate ballet. Ballet also makes my knee hurt more. FML.

1 comment:

  1. I looooooooooooovvvvvvve yooooooooouuuuuu!!!

    Sam and Jenn say hi. :)
