Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lies and falsehoods [BEDA August 30]

So today's post isn't super interesting either. This blogging everyday thing is zapping all of my creative energy.

I met some cool vegetarians today. We talked about a bunch of really great veg-friendly restaurants and grocery stores in the area, and got organic smoothies. Tomorrow I'm going with a bunch of people to go thrifting all over Chicago.

Really missing people.

Really, really missing people.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Apparently I'm a liar [BEDA August 29]

So I know I said that today's post would be more interesting.....but I lied.

I'm really starting to miss people. I just want to start classes, but I still have 8 days until they start.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lazy Sunday [BEDA August 28]

So I spent a lot of time with my suite-mates today. We went shopping, and walked around Millennium Park and the boardwalk for a while. Later we watched the VMAs.

I know this is a seriously boring post but I am kinda tired. I know I'm always saying this but I'll try to make tomorrow's post more interesting.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

And All That Jazz... (face-palm) [BEDA August 27]

So today was my first full day of living in my dorm building.

My roommate spent last night with family, so I had the room to myself. I did spend some time talking with my suite-mates, getting to know them and all, which was a little "awkward-silencey." But we were laughing about it and I'm hoping that will pass really soon. My roommate got back this evening, and we seem really compatible. We're both sarcastic (insert Hallelujah Chorus here), and we both dance. We went to our floor meeting with our suite-mates and afterward spent a little time walking around the area trying to find somewhere to get food that was still open at 10:30.

Subway's open until 1am.


I recognized a few people on my floor from my placement audition who're really nice. I'm excited. Still a little nervous, but I can tell this is going to be good. (Insert naive smile of confidence here.)

Friday, August 26, 2011

College and stuff [BEDA August 26]

So I moved into my dorm today. I am suuuuuper tired so I'm going to watch and episode of Doctor Who then hit the hay.

Sorry. Another cop-out post. I'll try to make my post for tomorrow more interesting. I seriously can't wait for this whole Blog Every Day in August thing to be over.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I find "you're" stupidity to be unacceptable [BEDA August]

People are stupid. It's just a fact.

However, one way to combat this sad fact is to be able to prove your intelligence as needed. Unfortunately this world that we live in does not pride itself on intelligence. Such things are apparent when items like THIS exist in the world.

If you can't immediately see what is wrong with this t-shirt then I am aiming the rest of this blog post directly at you.

This shirt says "If your single so am I," with the problem being the use of the word "your." I see people make this mistake daily, but I don't want to be The Grammar Bitch and piss people off so I usually don't say anything about it. But this is my blog. My place to vent, and rant, and share my opinions with the world. And when people make this mistake it pisses ME off. I once mentioned to one of my closest friends that it kind of (read: OMG! REALLY) bothered me when she wrote "your" in place of "you're" in her texts. She responded by saying "It's just texting. It's not like it matters."

But here's the thing: It really matters. It really fracking matters! When people get lazy in their texting and just use "your" and "there" for every application of their respective homonyms, then bad habits are formed. People start being unable to recognize the differences between the forms of the words and just write the first version that pops into their head.

Your: Belonging to the subject. Shows possession. "That is your cup of coffee."
You're: Conjunction of you and are. "You're holding the coffee."
There: A place. "My coffee is over there."
Their: Belonging to the subject. Shows possession. "That is their cup of coffee."
They're: Conjunction of they and are. "They're making fresh coffee."

I love it when the coffee's done. (If you understand this reference take 10 awesome points out of petty cash.)

Moving on now. Apostrophes are not all-purpose S-buddies. By that I mean, whenever there is an s at the end of a word, it does not automatically require an apostrophe to keep it company. They are meant to show possession and for conjunctions. All too often, however, people reverse these uses.

Incorrect: "Lets go over to Kellys house and watch some movie's."
Correct: "Let's (let us) go ever to Kelly's (the house belonging to Kelly) house and watch some movies (plural of movie)."

That brings me to my last point. Plural forms of a word do not need an apostrophe. The exception being a plural possessive. When you have a group of things -- let's say all of the Doctors from Doctor Who -- who all own something -- the Tardis (the Doctor's starship) -- then you write the word in it's plural form and add an apostrophe to the end.

Ex. "Because the Chameleon Circuit hasn't worked since 1963, the Doctors' Tardis always looks like a blue police call box."

I could write about this indefinitely, but I'm driving the rest of the way to Chicago tomorrow and moving into my dorm. So that's all for tonight because I need some sleep.

Happy trails.

Home in a to-go box [BEDA August 24]

So I literally just finished packing...

...and this is what it looks like.

I was talking to my sister and our friend Carie earlier about it being like putting your home in a to-go container.

I leave in just a few hours so I'm going to try to sleep a little. Ta'.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dreams and why they freak me out [BEDA August 23]

I don't dream.

I mean, yes I have hopes and dreams. I want to be a superhero-princess-dinosaur-wizard-ninja. But those aren't the type of dreams I'm talking about.

I rarely dream when I sleep. Maybe it's because of my insomnia, but it's true. When I do dream, I practically never remember them. Statistically, I probably only remember like, 2% of my dreams. So it's really weird that I've been dreaming a lot lately.

I keep having this dream where I'm in a big city -- probably Chicago -- and I'm outside standing on the sidewalk facing this building. Then all of a sudden I'm inside the building. I'm standing in a long hallway with stark white walls, dark green carpeting and several steps about halfway down. I'm looking at a light brown, wooden door at the end of the hallway. I walk down this hallway to stand right in front of the door and after a few seconds it opens. When the door opens I freak out and start running back down the hall and back out on the street. Only once I hit the street, I realize I'm being chased. Now, I know this person who's chasing me, and I also know that they're a friend of mine (Not just one of those non-specific friends that sometimes happen in dreams, but a real person I know. However I don't feel like disclosing the identity of this friend.) but I keep running for some reason. Down the street, through buildings, up escalators, down stairs. But every now and then, it becomes like running through water. I pick up my legs to run and I don't move anywhere, which sucks because I'm still being chased. And in the end, somehow I just wind up back in the hallway with the green carpet and the brown door.

It probably has some deep, philosophical meaning. But I'm not interested. I'm just freaked that I've been dreaming and remembering them.

It's weird.

Sketch I did of the hallway in my dream.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Beda beda beda beda[BEDA August 22]

BEDA is getting so freaking old. I have absolutely nothing to write today and absolutely no motivation to come up with anything.

But this counts as a post, so I have fulfilled all obligations.

I promise I'll have something at least decently interesting to write tomorrow.


Crafty person is crafty [BEDA August 21]

So I just spent the last 2 hours making a papier mache Beauxbatons hat...

(...which looks like this.)

Now of course it's not done. Even after it dries I have to trim the bottom edges, make the brim out of felt, cover both pieces in blue fabric, then figure out how to attach them. No idea yet how I'm gonna do that, but I usually figure something out.

Then I need to to repeat this process like, three more times.

I'm totally okay with this actually. I love figuring out how to make things like this. In high school theater I always loved to figure out how to make the weird props we needed for plays. Like when we did The Complete Works of William Shakespeare [Abridged].......and we needed a human head pie.....for Titus Andronicus represented as a cooking show. So I figured out how to make a human head pie. It was probably the creepiest thing I've ever made. It had fake hair and everything. Eh-hem. Yea.

So yea, these actually have a purpose but I'll write about that some other time. It's 5:15 am and I'm just a tidge tired. Especially since I spent my Sunday playing pirate-wizard lazer tag.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Lorelai Paradox and other edible anomalies [BEDA August 20]

So I had my wonderful friend Forest over today for a long awaited Gilmore Night. Since I'm moving into college in a week and Forest is going to be a senior this year I made up a playlist of episodes from the 3rd and 4th seasons (Rory's senior year of high school and Rory's freshman year of college).

A very important aspect of Gilmore Girls is the Lorelai and Rory's ability to eat just about anything and everything in sight.

Luke: There's nothing in here but ice cream, candy bars, cookie dough, canned frosting. Why are you not 450 pounds?
Lorelai: I know. Scientists call it the Lorelai Paradox. 

So Forest and I did the Gilmores proud. We ordered a large pizza, garlic bread, orange chicken, tofu, lo mein, egg rolls, white rice, and fried rice. We also had marshmallows, mini chocolate doughnuts, popcorn, RedVines, Hershey Kisses, and a tray of Poptarts. I was really disappointed later though, when I realized I had forgotten the frozen tater-tots and pizza-rolls.

Lorelai: Hey, do we want the apple turnovers or the cherry?
Rory: Yes.

I had only seen Forest one other time this summer, and only for a few minutes, so we actually did a bit more gabbing than Gilmore watching. But the show was playing in the background the whole time. And with the number of times we've each seen the entire series, at this point watching Gilmore Girls is sometimes like osmosis for us.

Luke: So, how did the four dinners work out? You guys must feel more stuffed than you’ve ever been.
orelai: I don’t know. Is this more stuffed than the great Six Flags hot dog consumption of ‘99?
Rory: No, or the taffy binge of ’97.
orelai: Not by a long shot. See, we didn’t eat at my parents because of the upset, so we really had three dinners, not four.
Rory: Which means. . .
orelai: What?
Rory: We didn’t have to skip rolls.
orelai: Oh yeah. Hey, do you have any rolls left?
Luke: No. Come on. 

Lorelai: Just a little something for the walk home.
[Luke hands her a bag of rolls]
Luke: I don’t see how you do it.
Lorelai: Well, you’re not us, are ya? Night Luke.

And then the evening concluded on a high note when Madeline came home with her friend Mel, and the four of us sat around for almost two hours sharing the best "worst moments" we ever had with our former choir and theater director. Yes. We had two hours-worth of horror stories dealing with this woman.

It was a fabulous night!

Dancers car-dancing...Word [BEDA August 19]

Once again not much to post today.

I had a sister-date today. Madeline and I got all cute and went to see One Day at the Rave. The trip back included Sonic milkshakes and some major car-dancing.

I guess I'm gonna talk about car-dancing. My sister and I are epic car-dancers. Car-dancing requires a special natural talent. The skills to rock it out using just one's upper body while avoiding driving the car into a ditch or accidentally punching the driver in the face. Car-dancing is usually most successful when listening to techno or electronic music -- my favorite being ALLCAPS. 

Not everyone has the skills for car-dancing. 
Madeline and I definitely do.

Friday, August 19, 2011

A little difficult to stomach [BEDA August 18]

Five years ago today I had major stomach surgery to remove a tumor that could have killed me.

At the end of the school year in seventh grade I started to have serious stomach pain. It was only on occasion, and never for very long. Over the course of the summer though it became worse and worse until it got to the point where I had to go to the emergency room sometimes twice a week. I even had to go to the ER during our family vacation to New York City.

Kinda ruined the trip.

It really seemed like there was nothing anyone could do. The doctors tested everything they could think of, but still they had no fracking clue what was wrong with me. I was on all kinds of meds but nothing was helping. Eventually though one of my doctors decided to send me to Children's Hospital in Columbus to having more testing done.

The first theory they had was that I might only have one kidney. So to check this theory they sent me to have an ultra sound. What they discovered from this ultra sound was that, while I do indeed have two kidneys, I also had a benign cystic ovarian tumor called a teratoma that was approximately the size of a softball. I was immediately scheduled for surgery that Friday. My doctor explained that because of it's size, the longer I waited to have surgery the higher the risk got of it rupturing, which could be deadly. So two days later I went in for my surgery.

My Grampy had died a week earlier and his memorial service was supposed to be the following Saturday. This was before all this medical stuff went down. This also meant that a whole bunch of my extended family was in town that weekend. I obviously couldn't go to the service the day after my surgery, but that Sunday they came to visit me before I got out of the hospital. Thoroughly ignoring the "Two visitors at a time" sign on the wall, seventeen of my cousins, and aunts, and uncles crowded into my tiny room.

The thing about my family is that we make jokes. All. The. Fracking. Time. Everything anyone says is game to be turned into a pun or a play on words, that may be somewhat lame, but clever enough to be really funny. The thing about surgery is that it hurts. The thing about laughing is that it uses your abdominal muscles. So when you're laughing your butt off because of the constant string of jokes your uncle is making, it also means that the laughing is extremely painful. Also, when you ask your uncle to "please stop making jokes because it hurts to laugh!" He replies with something along the lines of "I'm sorry. I know my jokes are sometimes hard to stomach." Which just keeps the laughter going.

Bottom line, that summer was miserable. But my family always makes thing seem better.

I believe I was looking up at the ginormous Care-Bear (my obsession at the time) balloon my aunt got me.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Movie Magic [BEDA August 17]

I love movies. Of course I love seeing new movies in the theater, but my favorite thing is to have movie nights at my house. Honestly I'd say that it's one of the best party premises.

But I have movie rules. If I'm seeing a movie in the theaters that even looks mildly stupid from the previews, then I will only see it with a group of friends. That way it becomes a joke. Like the time I met my friends Nigel, Kala, and Jamie at The Mean Bean in town then went to The Strand to see Disaster Movie. By far, the biggest waste of 5 dollars ever. But now it's something that Kala and I look back on and laugh about. Movies that look really good from their previews are best to be saved for dates. That way if the date is really bad, at least you got to see a good movie so it's not a total bust.

But the point of this post is my top 10 favorite movies of all time.

In narrowing down my favorite movies to just 10 I had to give my self rules for that as well. They couldn't have a corresponding stage musical -- so Rent was out, along with Beauty and the Beast and Singing in the Rain.  Also they couldn't be part of a series -- Pirates of the Caribbean was out, and Star Wars, and Toy Story. And eventually I got my list down to 10. So here it is.

1. Tangled - Disney's Rapunzel. Super, super cute movie.
2. The Wizard of Oz - Some might argue that it corresponds with Wicked, but I figure the plots are distinctly different.
3. Moulin Rouge - Singing, dancing, artists and whores. Doesn't get much better.
4. Newsies - Turn of the century New York newsies go on strike. Singing, dancing and 17 year old Christian Bale.
5. Forrest Gump - Seriously, who doesn't love this movie!?
6. An American in Paris - Gene Kelly meets a French ballerina. He subsequently falls in love and does some tap dancing.
7. The Blues Brothers Movie - Jake and Elwood Blues "On a mission from God" and "Gettin' the band back together." Absolute classic.
8. Monty Python and the Holy Grail - I know there are several Monty Python movies, but they're not actually a series.
9. Monsters Inc. - So much cute it's .....scary! Yea, yea I know that was lame. Sorry.
10. Chocolat - A woman and her daughter come to a tiny conservative French town and start a chocolaterie in the middle of Lent. Johnny Depp plays a French river gypsy.

Apparently Land Before Time really stuck with me[BEDA August 16]

I am somewhat obsessed with dinosaurs.

I know. Dinosaurs? But seriously. Dinosaurs. They're adorable, as long as they're not trying to eat your face. And seeing as dinosaurs are extinct, that's sort of a non-issue.

One of the first things I ask people I've just met, or I'm getting to know, is "What's your favorite kind of dinosaur?" It kind of tells a lot about that person.

My favorite? Triceratops. The main reason being that when I was in second grade we had a unit on dinosaurs. Our unit project was to pick a dinosaur and create a diorama based on that dinosaur. I picked the triceratops and made a model of it out of blue and green clay. It was a pretty kick-ass project.

The other day my sister was telling one of the little boys at the childcare program where she works that her 18 year old  little sister bought a dinosaur blanket to bring to college. He looked at her like she was crazy. Apparently little kids think it's weird for A) girls and B) adults to like dinosaurs.

Who knew?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Interwebz TV [BEDA Audust 15]

So I mentioned several posts ago that I want to start vlogging. However, vlogging is no easy task. It takes a decent amount of time to put together each video. And I have no idea right now what kind of free time I'm going to have starting college and everything.

I follow so many vloggers on YouTube, including the vlogbrothers, Strawburry17, meekakitty, Ray William Johnson, charlieissocoollike, WinterSpringPro, wheezywaiter, and many more. The people that I listen to, whose opinions I value, vlog. Vlogging is a seriously effective way to share your thoughts with the world.

Interwebz TV.

Now, the thing about vlogging is that everyone sucks in the beginning. Their camera and audio quality is iffy at best, and it takes a while to get settled into a basic format. I certainly am not, at the moment, fiscally capable of buying a good quality camera, microphone, and wide angle lens. But I'm working on that. I currently have two YouTube accounts, one that I set up about three years ago just for my subscriptions, and one that I intend to be my vlogging channel. Info on that at a later date.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Conversing with the voices [BEDA August 14]

 I have no clue what to write.

Absolutely none.

"Well Alicia, just write what you're thinking about."

"No. That's stupid."

"No it's not. Just be yourself."

"'Just be my--' Who are you!? Go away!"

Okay, so this is what you people get to read. The ramblings of a crazy person, having conversations with the voices in her head via her blog. My sincere apologies.

Eleven days until Chicago.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cop out post is a cop out [BEDA August 13]

So I'm going out for a Girl's Night with a couple of my best friends tonight, so this is a bit of a super short cop out post. I'm leaving in like 5 minutes.

I went shopping for collegey school supplies today. It basically gave me a panic attack. But school supply shopping always does that to me. Too many choices -- it freaks me out.

That's kind of all I have time to write for now.

Same time tomorrow....


Friday, August 12, 2011

Picture perfect [BEDA August 12]

These are the pictures I'm going to have framed/displayed in my dorm room. Basically this post is just a bunch of my favorite pictures. But I'm keeping each one out for a reason.

My band family photo! Maddy, Abbey, Knox and I.

Sydney and I on "dress like your favorite HP character" day at school! She was McGonagall, and I Bellatrix.

With my favorite little cousin Ben!

Amber and I being little monsters in our jazz dance this past June! Born this way!

A big group of my very best friends at our senior class trip to Cedar Point.

Conducting on Senior Night for band.

Madeline and I in Paris.

With Frak (!!!!!) at LeakyCon.

With the best sister in the world!

My ballet class back in 2008. Last class with Miss Kathy (the pirate:D) before she moved. I'm the second from the left in the front row.

Knox and I for our senior prom:)

This is what best friends look like. lol :)

When Nikki, Rachel, and I pulled together Senior Spotlight even after our horrible director underhandedly canceled it.

Visions Show Choir 2011. Our closer: Separate Ways by Journey.

Painting my name on the stage. The tradition for senior thespians. However, our names are all gone now because a random construction worker "didn't realize they were important" so he sanded them off the stage. Every single one.

Amber and I. Besties till the end! Wonderful night at Waffle House, with Backstreet Boys:)))

The most wonderful [BEDA August 11]

Five years ago today my Grampy died. I've written one sentence and I'm already tearing up, so I don't think I can write much.

Here's to the most wonderful man I've ever known: Dr. Robert L. Wilson.

Math professor.
Computer genius.
Master of jokes and puns.
Keeper of Bugles and Wilber's chocolates.
Baseball fanatic.

I miss you so much. You made learning so much fun, and I'm so proud to be your granddaughter. Love you <3

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Using the Force and Carryin' the Banner [BEDA August 10]

People always talk about obsessions like they're a bad thing. And they certainly can be.

I mean, when you're standing on a window ledge, four stories off the ground, with your face pressed up against the glass of your ex's apartment, with a bouquet of flowers in your hand, just because they wouldn't answer the door...all 276 times you rang the doorbell....That's a bad obsession.

But when you're thirteen, and your best friend has recently introduced you to the movie Newsies, and you watch the movie twice a day, and any mention of Christian Bale makes you scream like the little girl you are. It's cute. Sort of. Blame Rachel. I spent the weekend at her dad's riverhouse the summer before seventh grade, and she told me, "There's this movie you HAVE to see!" So we watched it. Then we watched it again. Then she let me borrow her DVD. Then two weeks later my mom bought me the DVD. Our notebooks were plastered with pictures of Christian Bale, and Gabriel Dameon in their newsboy caps. Carryin' the banner. When I was bored in science, I would write out the lyrics of King of New York, Santa Fe, or any of the other awesome songs, in neat little columns instead of writing notes (miraculously I had an A in that class all year, despite my lyric writing, constant sketching and doodling, sleeping, and frantic homework-ing 5 minutes before said homework was checked).

That however was not my first big obsession.

My first major obsession started when I was three. Star Wars. My family had episodes IV, V, and VI on VHS, and I watched them constantly. My best friend in preschool - Elliot - and I would go to each other's houses to watch Inspector Gadget, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and, of course, Star Wars. We would trade our Han Solo, and Darth Vader action figures back and forth. At recess my friends and I would play Star Wars. I was the only girl so I ALWAYS had  to be Leia. Which was a total gyp, because they would always be "coming to save me" so I had to sit in the same place until they shot down enough stormtroopers to get to me. However, I quickly figured out that -- being four-year-old boys -- they were much more interested in shooting down the stormtroopers than saving Princess Leia. So Leia/I would always wind up breaking herself out of her cell and fighting a stormtrooper to get his gun, then join the boys in their quest for intergalactic, misogynistic peace-keeping. I didn't hate being Leia though. In fact I loved Princess Leia enough to dress like her for Halloween when I was five.

Of course there's also my obsessions with dance, and music, Hello Kitty, Disney Princesses, Harry Potter, Wizard Rock, Nerd Rock, and dinosaurs.

But some obsessions are more legendary than others. :)

Nothing quite as perfect [BEDA August 9]

On my way home from Chicago today. Eatin' a Resses Fastbreak. That's kind of my roadtrip tradition.

Stop at gas station.
Buy Fastbreak.
Get back in car.
Try to acrobatically eat Fastbreak while keeping outfit chocolate-free.
Get to end location and discover tiny spot of melted chocolate on sleeve of shirt.

The beginning of a creative posse [BEDA August 8]

I hurt. I was an idiot for not actually taking dance classes this summer. I had orientation today, which meant having my level-placement class. The first real dance class I've taken since June. Like I said, I hurt.

I got placed in 1 and 1. Which just means level 1 ballet and level 1 modern. Our placements seemed surprisingly low to everyone but no one in the audition placed higher than  1 and 1. The next level down is IDT or Introduction to Dance Technique, and the levels only go up to level 3 ballet and level 4 modern.

After our audition we had to wait for our results before we could go and schedule our classes. So the thirty-or-so people of us in the audition grabbed some lunch and ate in one of the studios at the Dance Center. People were already starting to section themselves off. Grouping off like people do when nobody knows anyone else. But the weird thing was that even though everyone had grouped up like that, everyone was talking to everyone. I was sitting pretty much in the middle of the room and I kept turning around to talk to people behind me, and leaning way over to talk to people across the room. Everyone was doing this same sort of conversational-acrobatics. Maybe it was the bonding/ice-breaker games we had played while waiting for the audition to start. Maybe it was because we were all fairly nervous. Maybe it was because we were all trying to build our "posses."

Yes, I just said "posses." As part of the nine principals for success laid out by Columbia, they encourage every student to "form your creative  posse." This actually makes a lot of sense beyond just making friends.  Columbia College Chicago is an ΓΌber artsy school -- they don't have sororities or fraternities, they don't have regular sports, they don't even have school colors or a mascot. Every major is creating something all the time. So it's important to have people around you who aren't just friends, they help inspire your work.

I'm excited to be taking class and creating with these awesome people! I seriously can't wait.

Staying safe in Chicago? Don't be a dumbass [BEDA August 7]

So behind in BEDA I know, I know. Shame on me. Blame being in Chicago and not having internet access for several days.

Okay, so I had access to internet.....for $7.50 an hour. Um....No. Effing hotel prices. But I wrote blogs, old-school -- in a notebook. Gasp! -- so I'll post them individually.

[BEDA August 7]

So I've got orientation tomorrow. I have spent all day in the car. I am in Chicago. I am a happy camper!

Despite the fact that I will have to walk 8 blocks home, after dark, twice a week, I have no reservations about living in Chicago. Just kidding. It's really not that bad. Also, as long as you're smart about it, getting around Chicago after dark is not a big deal.

Don't walk alone if you can help it. Don't walk around with your earbuds in. Only keep your stuff in a bag with a zipper AND keep it zipped. And it doesn't hurt to have a safety whistle and pepper spray. If things seem sketch, act like they're sketch. And last but not least: Don't be a dumbass.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Goats are no kidding matter [BEDA August 6]


Not a terribly scary animal. However there are people in the world who are terrified of goats. Not a big deal.

However sometimes those people are paranoid, and assume that any mention of goats anywhere in the world is a direct frontal assault on them. Especially when those people are stupid, evil, immature, narcissistic, soulless, talentless demons. Then it becomes a big deal. Naomi Campbell level hissy-fits and temper tantrums are thrown. Also, people like that are completely incapable of noticing that every single person around them despises them. No. One. Likes. Them. No one. They are also incapable of noticing when their really dried-out, bleach-damaged hair looks like straw. (Straw with really bad dark brown roots.) Which might be incentive for a goat to attempt to eat said hair.

I have a blue beta fish. His name is Goat.

You know when you watch Criminal Minds or Law and Order or other shows like that, and the plot of the episode almost exactly matches that of crimes that had been in the news around the time it aired. Except they put one of those disclaimers in the credits that says that the episode is absolutely and definitely not based on any real life event or person at all. That way none of it can be used as definitive proof of anything.

*Disclaimer: This blog post is not under any circumstances based on, nor has anything to do with any real person or event. Ever.*

I think goats are absolutely adorable.


Emotionally scarred by denim [BEDA August 5]

So my Pottermore issues have been resolved thanks to the ever-so-amazing Carie Clark. I basically owe her enough to name a child after her. Seeing as I don't want children, it wouldn't be my own, but I would find a child, and I would name it after her. I digress. Pottermore username: FireboltMist13. (Upon registration you get several choices for usernames, but cannot come up with your own. I liked my initial one better -- PhoenixPixie184 -- but I like this one too!)

So I went shopping today. For clothes. Jeans in particular. Sigh. There is -- and never will be -- anything quite as emotionally painful as shopping for jeans. That's all I think I will say on the subject for the time being, because the bitter memories of this afternoon are threatening to return.

Prayers for my friend/little sister Maddy. She had decently big-deal surgery today, and I heard it went well, but prayers that she recovers quickly. No emergency or anything, this was planned surgery, but still.

I know, I know. Pretty dull post today. But I thinking tomorrow's post will be about goats. If this makes no sense to you now, it will after said post.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Lots of new stuff [BEDA August 4]

So I went to the doctor today. I, A) discovered that my albuterol inhalers that I've been using for the last four years have actually started to make my asthma symptoms worse, and B) had to get two shots. On the upside, my hair looked fantastic all day!

On a different note, I move to Chicago in twenty two days. Commence omg-I'm-going-to-college-really-far-away-from-home freak out! My roommate seems pretty cool from the emails we've exchanged, even though it's mostly been about minifridges and majors. I've got orientation on Monday, and I'm seriously nervous. First thing is my audition for level placement. Yea. Freaking out.

On another different note, I think I want to start vlogging. I don't know yet. It wouldn't replace my blogging -- probably -- but it might be a fun new chapter in this whole venture.

Until tomorrow:)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

BEDA two days late...

So I have decided to do BEDA, or Blog Every Day in August. I'm two days late getting started on this. Blame Pottermore. I've been so concerned and distracted lately about my Pottermore registration. For those that do not know, Pottermore is a website where fans will be offered an extended HP experience. Jo Rowling is releasing more info on the stories and every user will be sorted by a test designed by Jo herself, and will be given a wand. Basically every single person in the HP fandom wants to be part of this, and as of October they can be.

However, the beta version of the site will be available to 1 million people starting in a few days. The trouble with this is that there are certain clues going up at certain hours and then a semi-complicated process to follow to sign up. After you register you are supposed to receive a verification email and activate your account within 48 hours of registering. Later however, we discovered that they were having issues with Yahoo accounts. The emails had apparently been sent out, but Yahoo accounts were receiving theirs extremely slowly.

I have a Yahoo account. Eff my life.

So according to the Pottermore blog, they were "...currently talking to Yahoo in order to resolve this problem and will update this blog post with new information as we get it." Then later they updated the blog with this little gem. "Is there any update on the Yahoo! Mail issue?
This has now been resolved and everyone who registered with a Yahoo! Mail account on Sunday or Monday should now have received their validation email."

This however was a blatant lie. I had not received mine, and shortly thereafter, my 48 hours had run out.

I can register again, but I'm REALLY pissed. And the best part? There's really no way at all to contact Pottermore. You can tweet them your issues on Twitter, but it does absolutely no good, because they never @reply.