Monday, August 22, 2011

Crafty person is crafty [BEDA August 21]

So I just spent the last 2 hours making a papier mache Beauxbatons hat...

(...which looks like this.)

Now of course it's not done. Even after it dries I have to trim the bottom edges, make the brim out of felt, cover both pieces in blue fabric, then figure out how to attach them. No idea yet how I'm gonna do that, but I usually figure something out.

Then I need to to repeat this process like, three more times.

I'm totally okay with this actually. I love figuring out how to make things like this. In high school theater I always loved to figure out how to make the weird props we needed for plays. Like when we did The Complete Works of William Shakespeare [Abridged].......and we needed a human head pie.....for Titus Andronicus represented as a cooking show. So I figured out how to make a human head pie. It was probably the creepiest thing I've ever made. It had fake hair and everything. Eh-hem. Yea.

So yea, these actually have a purpose but I'll write about that some other time. It's 5:15 am and I'm just a tidge tired. Especially since I spent my Sunday playing pirate-wizard lazer tag.

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