Sunday, March 13, 2011

If it's Mick Jagger, run away and blow that whistle I gave you.

Why do I love Gilmore Girls so much?

I asked myself this very question just a few minutes ago, and the answer came to me right away.

They are my safety net.

The Biggest thing about the show that I connect with is that I think just like the characters do (okay, technically it's the writers, but Lorelai and Rory are real in my heart!). I'm watching the episode Concert Interruptus right now, and Rory just said - in an attempt to get Lorelai to donate clothes to a charity rummage sale, "I want you to come over here to this dresser, open the top drawer and take out everything you'd be embarrassed to be wearing during a car accident."

I have often thought, while in the car, how I would hate to be in a car accident on a day that I looked like crap. I mean, what if the ER doctors are really as hot as they're portrayed on TV?! Or what if my hair looked fantastic, then I got in a car accident, then all my friends came to visit me. It would be that much more likely that my hair still looked halfway decent after the fact if it looked fantastic before the fact. Granted, ultimately I would be more concerned with getting better, and God-forbid it would ever happen in the first place, but I've thought about it before.

Gilmore Girls is also quite heavy with the snark and sarcasm. Seeing that I am fluent in both, we have reason number two.

Rory: Do something to make me hate you!
Lorelai: Um, go Hitler?
Rory: So, Grandpa, how's the insurance biz?
Richard: Oh, people die, we pay. People crash, we pay. People lose a foot, we pay.
Lorelai: Well, at least you have your new slogan.
Luke: Taylor, no, no, no, no, and every day from now on 'til the end of my life, I am gonna come in here and say, "Taylor, no." And when I die, I'm gonna have them freeze me next to Ted Williams, and when they find the cure to what I died of and they unfreeze me, my first words are gonna be, "How's Ted?" followed closely by, "Taylor, no."
Lorelai: Okay, so, don't wait up and remember only 2 or 3 crack heads at the most, they eat all the good cereal.

You can't not smile when you watch the show. When I've had my crappiest day I know that I can turn on Gilmore Girls and it all goes away. I've seen all 7 seasons in their entirety multiple times. Gilmore Girls never changes, it's predictable (this being the pattern with most TV shows on DVD/ reruns) and therefore it's safe. I never have any clue what going to happen in my own life, but I always know how things in the world of Gilmore will work out. Even when something crappy and horrible happens to a character in the show, like Rory's arrest for "Grand theft boating" and dropping out of Yale, because I've seen every episode so many times, I know that after 300 hours of community service and a break-up, eventually she makes peace with her mother and moves out of her grand parents' pool house.

It's a fairly realistic show, in that crap happens to people and no one's immune. When Crap happens to me, it helps to see someone else working out the crap in their life at the same time. And it helps that at the same time it has a touch of whimsy...

Kirk: If you'll just follow me, I would like to present you with my new line of one-of-a-kind mailboxes.
Lorelai: Wow. They look very nice, Kirk.
Kirk: And whimsical. They say to the world, "I'll take my mail with a smile."
Lorelai: Yes, they do say that.
Kirk: And since you are one of our preferred customers, with the purchase of one of our mailboxes, I'll throw in a carved-duck doorstop and a garlic peeler.
Lorelai: Wow. That's quite an offer, Kirk. But I think it's a little early to pick a mailbox. We haven't even settled on a color for the inn yet.
Kirk: Well, whimsy goes with everything.
Lorelai: Kirk, I promise, just as soon as... is that Condoleezza Rice?
Kirk: Yes, it is. I'm a fan and her big mouth is perfect for shoving mail in.

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