Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pessimism and strategically placed song lyrics

Today is technically Sunday. Some might say that it is still Saturday because I have not yet slept. But technically it is about two in the morning, Sunday January 16, 2011.

This means that technically Monday is tomorrow. In that case, tomorrow is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. No school. Except that I have to be at the school from like 9:00 in the morning till late afternoon. Stupid effing choreography day for Footloose. Every single freaking year.

Cut loose. I was so excited to do Footloose for my senior year spring musical.

Footloose. While I was not super pleased at first, I am now actually quite happy with the part I have (Urleen).

Kick off your Sunday shoes. But every time I am at rehearsals, I can't help being in a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad mood.

Please. And it doesn't help that everyone else in the show is so goddamn chipper all the freaking time.

Louise. And they keep telling me to stop being pissed off.

Pull me off-a  my knees. If there's one thing that will certainly piss me off more than anything else, it's someone telling me to stop being pissed.


Get back. I have a bit of a bad temper.

Come on before we crack. Add that to the list with my sarcasm, my snark, my impatience, and my honest pessimism.

Lose your blues. I'm not sure if I can handle being in this show.

Everybody cut footloose.

 I don't want to lose my friends over this stupid thing. We've been so at odds lately that I feel like I'm walking a tightrope. I have to watch everything I say. I have some serious issues with our assistant director. He is new, and fresh out of college (? or at least he acts that way), and try as I might I just can't seem to summon up the respect for him that everyone else has. I shared this opinion with several of my closest friends and they reacted as if I had walked up to them and said, "I hate Jesus." 

 I don't hate Jesus. Just for the record.

 I know I'm not the only one with concerns. This whole musical just seems to have a really negative vibe about it. We'll see what happens though I guess. My senioritis might just be getting the best of me. I doubt it though. I've learned to trust my vibes. The vibes I get about people when I meet them basically tell me if I can trust them or not. Sometimes it changes with time. Not usually. So like I said, we'll see. 

Happy trails. 

1 comment:

  1. Trust me, I've been there. And I hated the day-off rehearsals, which I'm still not sure she's allowed to do. (Do you have one on President's Day too?) You'll have to tell me about your assistant director next time we talk; I'm really curious. As far as the issues with friends go, it's probably winter blues plus senioritis that's covering the hidden freakout about graduating (for the seniors) or facing the thought that all of you awesome people are going to be graduating (for the underclassmen).

    There were certainly times in Oklahoma! that I felt completely miserable, even when the show was moving along really well. Try to find ways to challenge yourself: do everything to the BEST of your ability (especially when you're frustrated), always be alert and on your game, and find some underclassmen to mentor and teach them the survival skills needed by BV drama kids (which are oh-so-different than those for other schools, unfortunately). Be a Gryffindor-Jedi...a leader who's courageous and in charge but in control of their feelings and attitude.

    I know this feels like your worst show experience ever right now, but I have a feeling it will turn out to be your best. I know you're not really one for nostalgia, but I want you to be able to look back in several years and remember how much fun you had with your senior musical and know that you left a legacy on that stage. Hang in there, Phishy. <3
